How To Be A Better Sales Person

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ~e.e. cummings

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1. Say “Thank You.” Thank one of your clients, team members, or peers daily.

2. Smile. Having a rough day at work? Just experienced a heavy dose of sales rejection? Don’t forget to smile, it will make you feel better and you might be the only smile someone else sees all day. Try it right now, and you will feel better.

3. View The World Of Sales As The Ultimate Test. View challenges with a customer, problems with your boss, and mistakes that you make during the sales process as “sales training” and valuable sales lessons. Learn to look at difficult experiences as lessons versus failures or mistakes.

4. Be Kind. Think about one thing you can do daily that would be a kind act and make it a ritual in your office place. ‎”It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” ~Author Unknown

5. Make One Positive Acknowledgment Daily. Simply state what you see in someone. It might be the only positive thing they hear all day or week.

6. Ask, “How Can I Be Of Service To My Clients & Prospective Clients?” Ask and answer this question daily. Then, take meaningful actions and you will be on your way to success like you have never experienced before.

7. See The Glass As Already Broken. Expect that some things in sales will go wrong, accept them, and you will be less disappointed when they happen. It will also force you to be more in the moment. Here is a great little story that illustrates this point:

“You see this goblet?” asks Achaan Chaa, the Thai meditation master. “For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, ‘Of course.’ When I understand that the glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious.” ~Mark Epstein

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Tags: be better in sales, how to be a better sales person, improve in sales, improve sales skills

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